Saturday, September 19, 2009

This one is for you Sheila!

So it's been a long time since I've updated anything. So much has changed! First of all I'm still loving my new car but remembering to lock it is a bit tricky in the city. Someone got into my car and stole a few items. I was mad but like my daddy says it was a cheap lesson!!! I am also going to be an aunt again!!!! My sister is going to have another baby, #3, it is due April 12th, yeah they didn't waste any time thats for sure. My other nephew just started 1st grade and it makes me so sad that he is getting so old. Dominik is a little over 8 months now and is just a happy baby. Life in KoMo is going ok. I was going home so much and really didn't get to enjoy living on my own but lately I have stayed here which is great. I a going to my first tailgating experience tomorrow as well as first football game...GO MIZZOU. I am offically a Missourian, I bought the chair and sweatshirt to match. After the game later that night we are going to check out some sexy men at the Chip-n-dales. WAHOOO.

Me and Mason!! I love this boy!

My adorable nephew Dominik in his little Lobster in my parents pool. He loves the water!!! Can anyone guess he's got Geier in him, hehe

This month is so busy for me. I am going to go to Chicago next weekend for a bachlorette party for a wedding I'm in...CAN'T WAIT!! The weekend after that I am going to go to a Cards game with the boyfriend...yeah that wasn't a typo I said boyfriend. So that's something else that's new. I am finally not single, LOL. He is a wonderful guy that seriously treats me like a queen and will do anything for me. He thinks I'm perfect, I think he's blind :) I also have my 10 class reunion coming up towards the end of October. I can't believe I've been out of school for 10 YEARS!!

Me and Cory on the Labor Day ride

As far as my weight loss journey I have lost a total so far of 34lbs! Some days I think its a lot and others not so much. I still have a long way to go but I feel better about myself anyway so who cares right!!!! On another important scale my brother finally got his license back after 3 years!! congrats bubby lets keep them this time. Well Sheila I hope this gets you up to speed, I will try to do better!


Anonymous said...

Did you say boyfriend? Love the post! Thanks for updating us all, not that I wasnt caught up on alot of it, but I liked it anyways! Loves!

Hillary G. said...

Ugh, you know I don't like that word, lol. I'm starting to finally get use to it.

DeAnn said...

How did I not know that you had a blog? Crazy?!

I am so proud of you for your weight loss. It's the hardest thing to do. I'm say the least. Hang in there! You look great!